Wednesday, January 20, 2021



REAL NAME: Jane of Jem 
OCCUPATION: Adventuress, princess of Mars 
CLASS: Mutant/Magician 
LEGAL STATUS: Citizen of the Confederate Planets 
PLACE OF BIRTH: Planet Mars 
KNOWN RELATIVES: Jarl and Jane (deceased parents), Thula (sister), Marsu (uncle), Taar (cousin), Vanza (aunt) 
GROUP AFFILIATIONS: Inter-Space Justice Syndicate 
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Inter-Space Justice Syndicate Headquarters, Urbania (Planet Earth) 

HEIGHT: 5' 8"  
WEIGHT: 118 lbs 
EYES: Blue 
HAIR: Blond 


In the XXXVII century the Planet Mars is a monarchy and the members of the royal family possess superhuman abilities. Princess Jane, who would be known as the Magician from Mars, was born with the ability to alter reality with her mind. Her powers developed as she grew older. At six years old, she was already able to materialize small objects out of nowhere and make things levitate in midair. When her parents died in strange circumstances, Duchess Vanza (her aunt) became Regent until Jane's older sister, Thula (who was 16) reached adulthood and was crowned Queen. Jane was taken against her will to the Convent of the Sisterhood of Steel, but she soon escaped from it and later stowed away on a ship bound for planet Earth. 

Her powers caught the attention of the Guild, a secret society of wizards that took her in and taught her the best way to use her powers. When the Civil War broke out on Mars, Jane wanted to return home, but the Guild had other plans for her and unleashed an elemental demon to hold her on Earth. The fight attracted the attention of the Inter-Space Justice Syndicate, who helped her defeat the creature and later traveled with her to Mars to help resolve the Martian conflict. Jane met with her sister Thula and the two faced the leader of the terrorist organization the Scarlet Shroud, instigator of the revolt. This character turned out to be her own aunt, the Regent Duchess Vanza herself. The revolt was put down, but Vanza escaped, vowing revenge. Jane and her sister Thula became members of the Syndicate and left the rule of Mars in the hands of her cousin, Prince Taar, son of Duke Marsu.

Jane and Ur, one of her colleagues from the Inter-space Justice Syndicate, have a platonic but deeply intense relationship. 


Her powers included superintelligence, the ability to manipulate matter at will, and the ability to transform her own physical appearance (in fact, Jane was actually no more than 8 years old when she returned to Mars to stop the rebellion, however her physical appearance and her mental maturity were already those of a grown woman). The Magician from Mars' powers were scientific in nature, yet her ability to alter reality at will was not far from magic. 

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