Sunday, November 14, 2021



LOCO (Live Operator - Combat Omnibot) was a giant robot created by a scientist, Dr. Law, to defend the United States.

A criminal organization tried to steal the device to sell it to the best buyer on the black market, but only managed to mortally wound Dr. Law.

Jack (Law's son) and his friends from the Hillman High football team* (Buck, Corny, Gorilla and Froggy) found him dying and with his last breath, the doctor informed them of the giant robot location. That same night the thieves returned but what they found was a full operational LOCO piloted by the five teenagers, who gave a good account of the assailants.

Since then, LOCO and the boys have defended America and the world from all kinds of threats.

(*). Hillman High Roughriders. 

FIRST APPEARANCE: Clue Comics V1#1 (January 1943) 

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