Thursday, May 12, 2022



REAL NAME: Pierre Duray 
OCCUPATION: Former physician, vengeful spirit 
CLASS: Ghost 
LEGAL STATUS: Deceased french citizen 
OTHER ALIASES: The Son of Evil, The Misery Man 
PLACE OF BIRTH: Montagnard, France 
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Calcutta, India 

EYES: Black (as Pierre Duray) / glowing red 
HAIR: Black (as Pierre Duray) / none 


In 1738, Pierre Duray was a French physician who lived and worked at Fort William, in Calcutta, India. Duray helped everyone equally, including the untouchable outcasts, causing animosity from the locals, even though it did not come to much because he was a Westerner. But when Duray and the daughter of a Raja fell in love and she helped him in his altruistic work, the situation exploded. The Raja unleashed a mob to murder the good doctor and on a fateful cliff they burned him alive at the stake, before the horrified gaze of his beloved. As his flesh was consumed by the flames, Duray swore he would return... Somewhat, something of the essence of Duray remained in the air, and it was not his best part... In the following 200 years a legend grew, that of a demonic spirit that stole the souls of the bravest and noblest men from Heaven, "The Misery Man". During World War II, the Misery Man caused entire squadrons of planes to perish. 

It was not until the hero Flyboy tracked him down and confronted him that the Misery Man's curse was finally defeated... At least for some time. 


The Misery Man is a supernatural and immortal creature, with a bony body and a flaming skull-shaped head. He is undead and thus cannot be killed by conventional means. However, he has a corporeal form, so he can be knocked down, if not hurt, by someone with melee skills (such as the hero Flyboy). The Misery Man seems to be able to immerse an area in darkness, transmit his voice over any radio, mentally control people and animals, is clairvoyant, able to see events happening thousands of miles away, able to levitate objects or himself. and also to emit an electrical blast capable of bringing down an airplane. The souls he has claimed are under his command. The Misery Man has a strange connection to the cliff where Pierre Duray burned to death. 

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