Saturday, March 6, 2021



REAL NAME: Nathan Hale 
OCCUPATION: Adventurer 
CLASS: Human magically transformed/hybrid 
OTHER ALIASES: "Souvenir" Hale
KNOWN RELATIVES: Drake & Jane Stevens (foster parents) 
GROUP AFFILIATIONS: Young Heroes Alliance 
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Liberty Foundation Headquarters (Dynamic City, USA) 
FIRST APPEARANCE: Silver Streak #12 (July 1941) 

HEIGHT: 7' 6" 
WEIGHT: 297 lbs 
EYES: Brown 
HAIR: Brown 


The Deaglos were a race of birdmen created by the magic of the Black Dragon, an ancient evil sorcerer, and enemy of the adventurer Air Man (on Earth-164). These strange and ferocious creatures were the result of merging demon-bird spirits with Black Dragon's human prisoners. 
The Deaglos retained their human intelligence and speech, but completely lacked free will, being perfect slaves of the Black Dragon. The sorcerer sent his winged army to destroy an Asian nation, but Air Man stopped them when he discovered that the creatures were susceptible to ultrasound. Free from the influence of the Black Dragon, the Deaglos built their Nest-City somewhere in the mountains of the Far East. Nathan Hale, an orphan turned Deaglo, strayed from the flock, being left behind. 

Drake Stevens, using science, tried to reverse Nathan transformation, but the boy was left in an in-between state. Although much more human, Nathan kept the wings and other characteristics more typical of birds. Drake and Jane Stevens welcomed him like a son, something that their real son, Ken, did not like too much, although little by little their relationship became more brotherly. Ken gave him the nickname "Souvenir". Upon reaching adulthood, Nathan joined his "stepbrother" and other sons or heirs of members of The Crime Smashers to form The Young Heroes Alliance. 


In his current state, Nathan is able to fly thanks to his deaglo wings. He can withstand a tremendous amount of physical damage and heal very quickly, or fly for long periods of time without needing to rest. He also possesses superhuman senses (especially the sense of sight) and, like some birds, he is also capable of detecting the north direction. It's unclear, but he might have the ability to communicate, to some degree, with birds. Nathan Hale was a good fighter, well trained by his foster parents. 

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